Daily Archives: September 6, 2012

Sugary Snacks

Are your kids playing soccer this fall? What is the snack situation? Are families signing up to bring snacks to each game? Get ready.  It can be a festival of sugar;  sugar your kids do not need. I wrote this blog last year on the topic. Keeping Sugar Off The Field If you want to take action in your town, take a look at this example of how to make a change. http://www.realmomnutrition.com/2012/08/28/soccer-snacktivism-handbook/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RealMomNutrition+%28Real+Mom+Nutrition%29 The soccer fields aren’t the only problem.  A mom brought piled high frosted cupcakes to my daughter’s gymnastics class yesterday.  That’s about 200 calories (maybe more) that post-cartwheeling kids do not need.  Oh…and then there were lollipops […]