Category Archives: sweets/dessert/candy

Sugary Snacks

Are your kids playing soccer this fall? What is the snack situation? Are families signing up to bring snacks to each game? Get ready.  It can be a festival of sugar;  sugar your kids do not need. I wrote this blog last year on the topic. Keeping Sugar Off The Field If you want to take action in your town, take a look at this example of how to make a change. The soccer fields aren’t the only problem.  A mom brought piled high frosted cupcakes to my daughter’s gymnastics class yesterday.  That’s about 200 calories (maybe more) that post-cartwheeling kids do not need.  Oh…and then there were lollipops […]

Calories in the Classroom

Parents are frustrated with schools.  And I am not referring to the math, science or reading curriculum.  I am referring to the food brought into the classroom for students.  With dozens of kids in a class, there sure are a lot of birthdays to celebrate during a nine month school year.   Don’t forget about Halloween, Valentine’s Day and Easter.  What a load of sugar!  I don’t care if the kids are thin, there are too many calories in the classroom;  calories kids don’t need.  I propose that all American school celebrations be non-caloric. Here is how it works: BIRTHDAYS: Ask the birthday kid to bring a favorite new book with intentions of donating it to the school library.  Special stickers can […]